Why You Buy in Despair and Disbelief...
Markets are incredibly psychological and the human mind isn’t built for trading them. We are far too emotional of creatures to do this effectively all the time without a massive amount of personal training and reflection while also having systems in place to trade with, instead of feelings.
Image: Giulio Marrone Dittli
Aside from liquidity, crypto markets are no different than every other market on the planet. If you consider yourself an investor versus a trader, your job as such is to invest in despair and disbelief. You take that even further as the cycle progresses into markets beginning to pump and then the overall feeling of hope when wallets begin opening again. Human behavior doesn’t change.
Bear markets are my favorite thing in the world because I’m an investor. Whenever I see things tanking that I’d like to own, I get excited - not depressed. I know I’m going to be able to get a really nice accumulation going the longer it lasts. I know the more people freaking out and looking at their ‘bags’ (the crypto just sitting in their wallets doing nothing) the more they’re going to hit that sell button. The more those prices are going to drop further and guys like me that don’t get overly emotional at market swings are going to profit in the future.
So brainwash yourself! Start programming your mind to look forward to these current market conditions. How are YOU behaving in the “pre-bull” phase because that’s where you need to be allocating your capital.
Stick to the basics right now. Bitcoin and Ethereum. The technology hasn’t changed, it’s actually just gotten better. If you’re looking at altcoins, look at the tokens that have REAL technology behind them that actually work! Look at coins that have survived numerous crashes leading to bear markets. And lastly, you can even buy trash shitcoins too, because those pump as well. Look what SHIB did before the bear hit. So allocate accordingly, Bitcoin moves the entire market which means you’re essentially always buying it. Don’t fool yourself into thinking out of the thousands of cryptos you’re going to grab the one that’s going to outperform everything else. That’s just hopium and cope. Trash will always pump, but when it does you should be EXITING.
Aside from that rejoice! What an opportunity we’re in at the moment! This is when wealth is made. When everyone is scared to open their wallets, we’re buying the fire sale! Buy it, move it to your ledger, and go enjoy the holidays.
Merry Christmas and I hope your New Year is a very healthy and prosperous one!
Best Regards,